So concludes this short-short intermission! I hope none of your questions have been answered! (muahahaha)
Another between-chapters break. Think of it as a comic snack to supplement your main meal. I’m also futzing with shadows right now…liking the look, not liking the time it takes. We shall see! Related comics: What’s in the booooox?? (Nate[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hoo! That was quite a little transition experiment, eh? Gotta say, I’m pretty happy with the results. Originally I was going to have Daniel spot a real live ghost in the Haunted Mansion (where one would naturally expect such things),[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Taking a little break from our regular story. Hope you enjoy the detour! Despite sharing living space – metaphorically – with Daniel in Chicago, I couldn’t help but sneak that Green Bay shirt in there. I do come from a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…