True story, folks. The CHL is just a shell. (Hey, that sounds like a weirdass PSA slogan.) Coast Guard tore everything out in 1987. There was a salesman who rented it for five years, but after he skedaddled, the CG basically said, “we’re making it so no one ever rents this lighthouse again.” You know what I say? TOUGH TITTIES, COAST GUARD.
…please don’t throw me in jail.
but but…why don’t they want anyone to live in the lighthouse? Sometimes I feel like there is a secret mafia at work in the US, with the sole purpose of making everything lame.
p.s. I want to live in a house with a staircase like that.
something must have happened with the rental guy, is the best I can figure. from what I read he was supposed to help out with maintenance and didn’t hold up his end of the bargain. he expected to get tossed, but there was no mention of a specific incident or anything. *cue X-FIles music*
…I’d still rent it because f*** it, it’s a GOD DAMN LIGHTHOUSE