It’s been a while since I checked in over at the ol’ website. Despite the lack of updates, there has been stuff happening behind the scenes, stuff I’d like to tell you lovely people about:
– I’m (very, very slowly) putting a book together. It’ll be the first three chapters, with some new filler art and early concept sketches. I unsuccessfully tried to get it done in time for…
– Chicon7, aka Worldcon, which took place over Labor Day weekend in downtown Chicago. I admit, I dropped the ball on this one, since I didn’t post any info on the site at all. :/ In my meager defense, cell phone reception was spotty at best; I couldn’t even upload a picture of the booth to the Wighthouse Facebook page.
Regardless, it was my first time selling my stuff behind a table (with the gracious allowance and assistance of my friends Valya and Madeline), which was more exciting than expected! I liked chatting people up, especially out-of-towners who didn’t realize Chicago even had a working lighthouse. I sold a few minicomics and ran out of “Crazy Gets Shit Done” buttons, but had no takers on my keychains or necklaces. That means there are plenty available in my Etsy shop!
Speaking of minicomics…
– Leftover minis are available at Third Coast Comics! I made minis for Chicon7 because I wanted to something to sell, even if the book wasn’t done.
The mini consists of selected strips from chapter 5, when Daniel met Valerie. I’m very happy with how they came out. Feel free to pick one up at 6234 N. Broadway in Chicago! (I want to put them in more shops, but since this is “my” comic shop, they were my first choice.)
So things keep rolling here at Wighthouse. I really, really want to start updating again, but job hunting takes priority for sure. In the meantime, you can always check out my Tumblr; I throw stuff up on there occasionally. Until next time…
If you’re looking for office work, I can give you info for my temp agency. email me at brigidkeely at I’ve worked with them since 2001.