Vignettes, Round 3 Oct06 on 6 October 2011 at 12:00 am Chapter: Death of the Party …FIGHT! That should be about everybody. Halloween hijinx right around the corner! └ Tags: amish, costumes, goths, halloween
Every time I hear some form of the phrase “Everday is Halloween,” I can’t help but hear Peter Steele saying it in my head in his vampire voice.
I love the bottom row! That’s how I react to like 99% of what enters my inbox.
@Chris: whoa, I was thinking of Ministry.. didn’t know Pete Steele did the same thing.
is Abbie irritated or anguished?
He says it in the beginning of “Black No. 1.” Goth, goth, goth, haha.
The Amish, I love it! Good thing they’ll never know. :)
@Rob: she knows she should interact more with her brother, but wishes he didn’t choose this method of socializing.
@Chris: oh man, I never noticed that! I’ll have to listen to it closer.
Oh, it’s less in the beginning, more in like the second verse, but it’s there! Haha.